#14 Java Control Statements
Control Statements - The if Statement
if(condition) statement;
else statement;
else clause is optional
targets of both the if and else can be blocks of statements.
The general form of the if, using blocks of statements, is:
statement sequence
statement sequence
If the conditional expression is true, the target of the if will be executed; otherwise, if it exists, the target of the else will be executed. At no time will both of them be executed. The conditional expression controlling the if must produce a boolean result.
Guessing Game(Guess.java)
The program asks the player for a letter between A and Z. If the player presses the correct letter on the keyboard, the program responds by printing the message **Right **.
// Guess the letter game.
class Guess
public static void main(String args[])
throws java.io.IOException{
char ch, answer = 'K';
System.out.println("I'm thinking of a letter between A and Z.");
System.out.print("Can you guess it: ");
ch = (char) System.in.read(); // read a char from the keyboard
if(ch == answer)
System.out.println("** Right **");
// Guess the letter game.
class Guess
public static void main(String args[])
throws java.io.IOException{
char ch, answer = 'K';
System.out.println("I'm thinking of a letter between A and Z.");
System.out.print("Can you guess it: ");
ch = (char) System.in.read(); // read a char from the keyboard
if(ch == answer)
System.out.println("** Right **");
Extending the above program to use the else statement:
// Guess the letter game, 2nd version.
class Guess2 {
public static void main(String args[])
throws java.io.IOException {
char ch, answer = 'K';
System.out.println("I'm thinking of a letter between A and Z.");
System.out.print("Can you guess it: ");
ch = (char) System.in.read(); // get a char
if(ch == answer)
System.out.println("** Right **");
System.out.println("...Sorry, you're wrong.");
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